The difference between low-density EVA foam and high-density EVA foam

  EVA foam is a kind of foam material widely used in various fields. According to its density, it can be divided into low-density EVA foam and high-density EVA foam. There are some differences in performance and usage between these two types of foam.

The difference between low-density EVA foam and high-density EVA foam

  Density difference: Low density EVA foam has a lower density, while high-density EVA foam has a higher density. Density is an important factor affecting the performance of EVA foam, and the higher the density, the stronger the hardness and load-bearing capacity of the foam.

  Physical properties: Due to density differences, low-density EVA foam and high-density EVA foam have different physical properties. Low density EVA foam typically has good flexibility and cushioning performance, while high-density EVA foam has higher hardness and load-bearing capacity.

  Application areas: Due to differences in physical properties, low-density EVA foam and high-density EVA foam also have different application areas. Low density EVA foam is commonly used in situations that require softness and good cushioning effects, such as insoles, cushioning packaging, etc. High density EVA foam is suitable for situations that require high hardness and load-bearing capacity, such as building materials, sealing materials, etc.

  It should be noted that although there are differences in performance and use between low-density EVA foam and high-density EVA foam, they are both excellent foam materials and can meet the needs of different fields. When choosing which type of foam to use, it is necessary to evaluate and choose based on specific application scenarios and needs.

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